Make A Difference For A Child!
Home-made gowns for a child's companion buddy.
Made with 100% love by our volunteers!
All gowns are sent to children FREE of charge.

1 Child
With this donation, you will be sponsoring a gown for one child that is suffering from an illness or disabling condition. $20

2 Children
With this donation, you will be sponsoring gowns for two children that are suffering from an illness or disabling condition. $40

5 Children
With this donation, you will be sponsoring gowns for five children that are suffering from an illness or disabling condition. $100

25 Children
With this donation, you will be sponsoring gowns for twenty-five children that are suffering from an illness or disabling condition. $500

$ Your Amount
With this donation, you will be sponsoring gowns for children that are suffering from an illness or disabling condition. $Enter your amount

Twinkle Package
With this donation, you will be sponsoring gowns for 100 children that are suffering from an illness or disabling condition plus MORE. $2,000

Dream Package
With this donation, you will be sponsoring gowns for 250 children that are suffering from an illness or disabling condition plus MORE. $5,000

Wish Package
With this donation, you will be sponsoring gowns for 500 children that are suffering from an illness or disabling condition plus MORE. $10,000

Star Package
With this donation, you will be sponsoring gowns for 1,000 children that are suffering from an illness or disabling condition plus MORE. $20,000